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Maximum Reflectivity (dBZ) composite from European radars (BUFR format)
Wed May 22 00:00:00 GMT 2013
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Product description:
Maximum Reflectivity (dBZ) BUFR European Radar composites Maximum Reflectivity (dBZ) 2 km x 2 km grid 15 minute updates at DT+15 minutes Quality: Odyssey will generate and archive composite products from raw single site radar data using common pre-processing and compositing algorithms. Expected performance : - The target availability of composite products produced, delivered and archived will be an average of 99.0%. - Composite products produced within 15 minutes of data time on at least 95% of occasions. - Composite products delivered(1) within 20 minutes of data time on at least 95% of occasions. - Normally, there would be no downtime during maintenance slots and planned switching of nodes - Where available, gaps in the archive hosted in Météo France will be populated with data archived in Exeter within 7 working days of notification. Performance Measure: - Performance of composite availability and timeliness will be measured at the Odyssey system. - Production timeliness will be recorded as the completion time of composite generation at Odyssey. - Availability and timeliness will be measured monthly. Fault resolution: - For system or hardware faults that affect availability, the target will be to respond and fix the fault within 2 hours of notification on 98% of occasions. Contingency: - The Odyssey service will be maintained despite IT infrastructure failures at one of the Odyssey nodes. - Contingency will be provided by the back-up Odyssey node. Switching of operational status between Odyssey nodes will occur within 30 minutes of outage. - The main Odyssey archive will be hosted at Météo France and a backup hosted at the Met Office Support Cover: - The ability to switch operational Odyssey node will be provided 24 hours a day (24/7/365) - Other support activities will take place during Normal Working Hours (of the responsible member) Service Failures: A tolerable level of service failure would be: - one ‘break of up to 15 minutes in any 7 day period - one ‘break’ of up to 60 minutes in any quarter of a year - one ‘break’ over 60 minutes in any one year, with service being restored within 4 hours. A ‘break’ denotes a reduction in service delivery, however the service will be deemed to be met if the agreed alternative output is being supplied. Service description: - Instantaneous Surface Rain rate - Domain – Whole of Europe - Projection – Lambert Equal Area - Update frequency – 15 minutes - Issue time – Approximately 15 minutes after data time - Delivery method – FTP to NM(H)S via GTS/RMDCN or Internet - Available in real-time and via archive - Format: BUFR (structure is compliant with the Eumetnet ODIM specification) Permitted use: To be confirmed Fault reporting: Reported to the UK Met Office Weather Desk. (1) Applies only to NMS receiving composite products by direct RMDCN connections
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